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C++ Guns: ACPL proudly presents: BinaryHeap

Filed under: Allgemein — Thomas @ 21:02

See also
ACPL: Histogram1D
ACPL: Histogram2D

BinaryHeap as array implemente priority queue. Good for way finding graph algorithmen like dijkstra.

See source code and more code examples at ACPL Binary Heap

#include <core/util/StringStream.hpp>
#include <core/util/BinaeryHeap.hpp>

using namespace acpl;
using ID = int;

int main() {
    // We use a min-heap. The highest priority is the lowest number
    BinaryHeap<double> heap;
    std::map<ID, std::string_view> tasks;

    // heap insert returns a ID assiciated with the priority
    tasks.insert({heap.insert(3.0),  "clear drains"});
    tasks.insert({heap.insert(4.0),  "feet cat"});
    tasks.insert({heap.insert(5.0),  "make tea"});
    tasks.insert({heap.insert(1.0),  "solve RC tasks"});
    tasks.insert({heap.insert(2.0),  "tax return"});
    tasks.insert({heap.insert(10.0), "clean room"});
    tasks.insert({heap.insert(99.0), "wash dog"});

    std::cout << heap.size() << " tasks" << newline;

    std::cout << "Most important: ";
    auto firstToDo = heap.extract_minimum();
    std::cout << tasks[firstToDo.second] << " with priority " << firstToDo.first << newline;
    std::cout << heap.size() << " tasks left" << newline;

    std::cout << "\nNext 3 tasks:" << newline;
    for(int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
        auto task = heap.extract_minimum();
        std::cout << tasks[task.second] << " with priority " << task.first << newline;

    std::cout <<"make task 'wash the dog' the new first with priority -1" << newline;
    ID lastInsertedID = tasks.rbegin()->first;
    heap.decrease_key(lastInsertedID, -1);

    std::cout << "\nThe remaining tasks:" << newline;
    while(not heap.empty()) {
        auto task = heap.extract_minimum();
        std::cout << tasks[task.second] << " with priority " << task.first << newline;

    std::cout << heap.size() << " tasks left" << newline;
7 tasks
Most important: solve RC tasks with priority 1
6 tasks left

Next 3 tasks:
tax return with priority 2
clear drains with priority 3
feet cat with priority 4
make task 'wash the dog' the new first with priority -1

The remaining tasks:
wash dog with priority -1
make tea with priority 5
clean room with priority 10
0 tasks left

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