Filed under: — Thomas @ 19:04
My tips for a more readable, safer and reuseable code!
The tips are very very simple. Everyone can use them in daily programming!
Five Myths about C++ BUSTED!
integer overflow debugger trap
Passing random generators around (functor)
Calling multiple random generator in parallel c++11
Polymorphie virtual abstract pure deconstrutor WTF?
rosettacode - Simple moving variance
rosettacode - Simple moving average
raw speed of C using OO with C++
Common editing
Intend your code. Usually use 4 whitespaces.
Never use tabs to intend, only spaces!
Structure the code in logical blocks. Use one newline between the blocks.
Use brackets! Use { }! Use ()! Its much more safer and readable! Use {} after every for if while! Don't be lazy. Use auto completion if you are lazy. One exception for this rule: for throwing exceptions. e.g. if(false) throw "Shit"
C and C++ mixing
Never mix C and C++
Don't use the old C include files with prefix ".h" e.g. math.h Instead use cmath
Always write the full standard namespace when using standard functions e.g. std::abs
Write "using namespace myspace" only for non-standard namespaces.
Never write "using namespace" in header files. Only in cpp files.
The first running variable in a loop is "i", then "j" and "k".
Never use something like "ii", "iii". Don't use "l" (lower L) eiher, it looks too much like "i"
Prefer for() loops for while() loops. They have a clearer syntax how log the loop is running. And you prevent endloss loops.
Every while() loop can be written as for() loop()
common function calls
Pass non derived POD object as value. Like int float char
Pass non-POD objects as const reference. This performs no deep-copy and the caller can be sure that his object is not modified.
Pass by pointer only if you must modify the object! The caller knows throw the pointer notation that the object may be altered
Pass functions objects by value???
get functions
Functions which returns a variable and not change the object must be marked with "const"
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