This example throw and catch all standard exceptions just for fun
exception list from
sorted after C++ Standard
searching a stack trace? look at
/* This example throw and catch all standard exceptions just for fun * exception list from * sorted after C++ Standard * * searching a stack trace? look at */ #include <iostream> #include <exception> #include <future> #include <regex> #include <filesystem> #include <chrono> #include <any> #include <optional> #include <variant> //#include <format> // C++20. Not implemented in GCC 12 // #include <expected> // C++23 int nCatched = 0; template<typename T> void check(const T& ex, std::string_view exceptionType) { nCatched++; std::string_view what(ex.what()); // only compare the first chars from what() message, we are not intereseting in stuff after the exception type if(what.substr(0,exceptionType.size()) != exceptionType) { std::cerr << exceptionType << " what(): " << ex.what() << "\n"; std::cerr << "\nERROR: Not all exception derived from " << exceptionType << " catched...\n"; ::exit(EXIT_FAILURE); } } int main() { bool finish = false; int nThrow = 0; while(not finish){ try { switch(nThrow) { case 1: ++nThrow; throw std::exception(); case 2: ++nThrow; throw std::logic_error("std::logic_error"); case 3: ++nThrow; throw std::invalid_argument("std::invalid_argument"); case 4: ++nThrow; throw std::domain_error("std::domain_error"); case 5: ++nThrow; throw std::length_error("std::length_error"); case 6: ++nThrow; throw std::out_of_range("std::out_of_range"); case 7: ++nThrow; throw std::runtime_error("std::runtime_error"); case 8: ++nThrow; throw std::range_error("std::range_error"); case 9: ++nThrow; throw std::overflow_error("std::overflow_error"); case 10: ++nThrow; throw std::underflow_error("std::underflow_error"); case 11: ++nThrow; throw std::bad_typeid(); case 12: ++nThrow; throw std::bad_alloc(); case 13: ++nThrow; throw std::bad_exception(); case 14: ++nThrow; throw std::regex_error(std::regex_constants::error_collate); // C++11 case 15: ++nThrow; throw std::system_error(ENOENT, std::system_category(), "std::system_error"); // C++11 case 16: ++nThrow; throw std::ios_base::failure("std::ios_base::failure"); // C++11 case 17: ++nThrow; throw std::future_error(std::future_errc::broken_promise); // C++11 case 18: ++nThrow; throw std::bad_weak_ptr(); // C++11 case 19: ++nThrow; throw std::bad_function_call(); // C++11 case 20: ++nThrow; throw std::bad_array_new_length(); // C++11 case 21: ++nThrow; throw std::filesystem::filesystem_error("std::filesystem::filesystem_error", std::error_code(ENOENT, std::system_category())); // C++17 case 22: ++nThrow; throw std::bad_any_cast(); // C++17 case 23: ++nThrow; throw std::bad_optional_access(); // C++17 case 24: ++nThrow; throw std::bad_variant_access(); // C++17 // case 25: throw std::chrono::nonexistent_local_time(); // C++ 20. Not implemented in GCC 12 // case 26: throw std::chrono::ambiguous_local_time(); // C++20. Not implemented in GCC 12 // case 27: throw std::format_error(); // C++20. Not implemented in GCC 12 // case 28: throw std::bad_expected_access(); // C++23 // case 29: throw std::tx_exception(); TODO default: { finish = true; } } } catch(std::bad_variant_access& ex) { check(ex, "bad variant access"); } catch(std::bad_exception& ex) { check(ex, "std::bad_exception"); } catch(std::bad_array_new_length& ex) { check(ex, "std::bad_array_new_length"); } catch(std::bad_alloc& ex) { check(ex, "std::bad_alloc"); } catch(std::bad_function_call& ex) { check(ex, "bad_function_call"); } catch(std::bad_weak_ptr& ex) { check(ex, "bad_weak_ptr"); } catch(std::bad_optional_access& ex) { check(ex, "bad optional access"); } catch(std::bad_any_cast& ex) { check(ex, "bad any_cast"); } catch(std::bad_typeid& ex) { check(ex, "std::bad_typeid"); } catch(std::filesystem::filesystem_error& ex) { check(ex, "filesystem error"); } catch(std::ios_base::failure& ex) { check(ex, "std::ios_base::failure"); } catch(std::system_error& ex) { check(ex, "std::system_error"); } catch(std::regex_error& ex) { check(ex, "Invalid collating element in regular expression"); // regex_error.what does not print the exception type first... } catch(std::underflow_error& ex) { check(ex, "std::underflow_error"); } catch(std::overflow_error& ex) { check(ex, "std::overflow_error"); } catch(std::range_error& ex) { check(ex, "std::range_error"); } catch(std::runtime_error& ex) { check(ex, "std::runtime_error"); } catch(std::future_error& ex) { check(ex, "std::future_error"); } catch(std::out_of_range& ex) { check(ex, "std::out_of_range"); } catch(std::length_error& ex) { check(ex, "std::length_error"); } catch(std::domain_error& ex) { check(ex, "std::domain_error"); } catch(std::invalid_argument& ex) { check(ex, "std::invalid_argument"); } catch(std::logic_error& ex) { check(ex, "std::logic_error"); } catch(std::exception& ex) { check(ex, "std::exception"); } } // while if(nThrow != nCatched) { std::cerr << nThrow << " exception thrown but " << nCatched << " catched\n"; } else { std::cout << "All exceptions which was thrown was catched\n"; } return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
$ ./a.out
All exceptions which was thrown was catched