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C++ Guns: Streams display the format flags

Filed under: Allgemein — Tags: — Thomas @ 12:09

Display which format flags are currently set e.g. fixed, scientific, dec, hex

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& s, const std::ios::fmtflags f) {
   if(f & std::ios::boolalpha) s << "boolalpha ";
   if(f & std::ios::dec) s << "dec ";
   if(f & std::ios::hex) s << "hex ";
   if(f & std::ios::oct) s << "oct ";
   if(f & std::ios::fixed) s << "fixed ";
   if(f & std::ios::scientific) s << "scientific ";
   if(f & std::ios::right) s << "right ";
   if(f & std::ios::left) s << "left ";
   if(f & std::ios::internal) s << "internal ";
   if(f & std::ios::showbase) s << "showbase ";
   if(f & std::ios::showpoint) s << "showpoint ";
   if(f & std::ios::showpos) s << "showpos ";
   if(f & std::ios::uppercase) s << "uppercase ";
   if(f & std::ios::unitbuf) s << "unitbuf ";
   if(f & std::ios::skipws) s << "skipws ";
   return s;

std::cout << std::cout.flags() << "\n";

Example output

dec fixed skipws 


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