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Filed under: Allgemein — Tags: — Thomas @ 13:02

GDB VER 9 or newer

(gdb) run

0x0000555555628b76 in sourcessinks_m::sinks_ie_pot (dt=0) at ../../SweTools/src/unrunoff_sources_sinks_IE.F90:493

print geht irgendwie nicht auf typen in arrays.... scheiss fortran. aber explore kanns

(gdb) explore datapool::HALTUNGEN(2)

The value of 'datapool::HALTUNGEN(2)' is a struct/class of type 'Type haltung' with the following fields:

inka_versick = 198.61264038085938 .. (Value of type 'real(kind=8)')
rverteil = 0 .. (Value of type 'real(kind=4)')
strassenfl = < Enter 12 to explore this field of type 'Type strassenfl' >

Enter the field number of choice: The value of '(datapool::HALTUNGEN(2)).strassenfl' is a struct/class of type 'Type strassenfl' with the following fields:

hydrofl_t = < Enter 0 to explore this field of type 'Type hydrofl_t' >
in_haltung = < Enter 1 to explore this field of type 'integer(kind=4), allocatable (:)' >
streetin = 0 .. (Value of type 'real(kind=8)')
streetout = 0 .. (Value of type 'real(kind=8)')

(gdb) info variables

All defined variables:

File ../../SweTools/src/haltungNamelistReader.F90:
5: static void hart;
195: static integer(kind=4) koppelpool::ende;
195: static integer(kind=4) koppelpool::zufl;

File ../../SweTools/src/haltungReader.F90:
100: static void hart;
100: static integer(kind=4) koppelpool::ende;
100: static integer(kind=4) koppelpool::zufl;

(gdb) info variables haltungen

All variables matching regular expression "haltungen":
0x000055556effc0e0 __datapool_MOD_haltungen

(gdb) info modules

All defined modules:

File ../../SweTools/src/haltungNamelistReader.F90:
1: haltungnamelistreader_m
File ../../SweTools/src/unrunoff_datapool.F90:
4: datapool
File unrunoff_koppelpool.FOR:
1: koppelpool

(gdb) info module variables

All variables in all modules:
Module "koppelpool":

File ../../SweTools/src/haltungNamelistReader.F90:
195: static integer(kind=4) koppelpool::ende;
195: static integer(kind=4) koppelpool::zufl;
File unrunoff_koppelpool.FOR:
17: integer(kind=4), allocatable koppelpool::hname2idx(:);
18: integer(kind=4), allocatable koppelpool::idx2hname(:);

All variables matching regular expression "haltungen" in all modules:
(gdb) info module variables haltungen

Module "datapool":

File ../../SweTools/src/unrunoff_datapool.F90:
841: Type haltung, allocatable datapool::haltungen(:);

(gdb) info module functions

All functions in all modules:

Module "haltungnamelistreader_m":
File ../../SweTools/src/haltungNamelistReader.F90:
12: logical(kind=4) haltungnamelistreader_m::checkhname(integer(kind=4));
555: void haltungnamelistreader_m::readauslaessenamelist(void);

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