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ACCU 2019 Videos

Filed under: Allgemein — Tags: — Thomas @ 19:05

very nice! So Zeug hab ich bei meiner BA gebracht
Optimising a small real-world C++ application - Hubert Matthews [ACCU 2019]

This is a hands-on demonstration of optimising a small real-world application written in C++. It shows how measurement tools such as strace, perf tools, valgrind and cachegrind on Linux can be used to find the hotspots in an application. It also demonstrates some common pitfalls and how to avoid them by using different algorithms or libraries.

Contracts sind die Zukunft. Anschauen!
Programming with Contracts in C++20 - Björn Fahller [ACCU 2019]

Design by Contract is a technique to clearly express which parts of a program has which responsibilities. In the case of bugs, contracts can mercilessly point a finger at the part that violated the contract. Contracts are coming as a language feature in C++20. I will show how they can make your interfaces clearer with regards to use, but also point out pitfalls and oddities in how contracts are handled in C++. Writing good contracts can be difficult. I intend to give you guidance in how to think when formulating contracts, and how to design your interfaces such that good contracts can be written, because contracts have effects on interface design.

Genau meine Rede!
Better embedded library interfaces with modern C++ - Wouter Van Ooijen [ACCU 2019]

Traditionally, embedded applications are written in C. Using C++ is often frowned upon, because it is assumed to be less efficient. This talk shows how the interface of a typical embedded library can be made safer and more user-friendly, without being less efficient. Starting from a C-style interface modern C++ features are applied, like namespace, enum class, overloading, default argument values, std::byte, std::array, and templates.

Audio in standard C++ - Timur Doumler [ACCU 2019]

Today, almost every computer, tablet and phone comes with audio input and output. Computer games and many other kinds of applications would be unthinkable without sound. Yet, the C++ language has no notion of it. Literature on audio in C++ is sparse. For even the simplest possible audio functionality, programmers need to deal with a confusing landscape of complex platform-specific APIs and proprietary 3rd party libraries. But audio in C++ doesn’t have to be hard!

Wow! Details von einem Profi
How C++20 Can Simplify std::tuple - Alisdair Meredith [ACCU 2019]

std::tuple has been the source of many presentations over the years, as the library specification glosses over a variety of implementation pitfalls, while successive standards increase the complexity. C++20 finally provides a number of features that, when combined, can yield a much simpler solution, saving developers of generic wrapper types from layers of expert-only code. This talk will show how applying the new Concepts language feature, in conjunction with new attributes and some extended syntax, enable the delivery of an optimized high performance implementation that is almost as simple as just declaring a class with a few data members. No metaclasses required!

Implementing Physical Units Library for C++ - Mateusz Pusz [ACCU 2019]
Das ist nicht der erste Versuch eine unit library zu erstellen. Aber der erste den ich kenne der C++20 integiert. Aber keiner schafft es so richtig zu einem zufriedenstellenden Ergebnis.

This talk will present the current state of my work on designing and implementing Physical Units Library for C++. I will present all the challenges, design tradeoffs, and potential solutions to those problems. During the lecture, we will also see how new C++20 features help to make the library interface easier to use, maintain, and extend. Among others, we will see how we can benefit from class types provided as non-type template parameters, how new class template argument deduction rules simplify the interfaces, and a full power of using concepts to constrain template types.

Sehr interessanter Vortrag - auch wenn ich kein Wort verstanden habe
Allocator-Aware (AA) Software - John Lakos [ACCU 2019]
Man sollte sich vorher das hier ansehen: Local (Arena) Memory Allocators Part 1 - John Lakos - Meeting C++ 2017
und dann diesen Vortrag Local (Arena) Allocators Part II - John Lakos - Meeting C++ 2017

The performance benefits of supplying local allocators are well-known and substantial [Lakos, ACCU’17]. Still, the real-world costs associated with orchestrating the integration of allocators throughout a code base, including training, supporting tools, enlarged interfaces (and contracts), and a heightened potential for inadvertent misuse cannot be ignored. Despite substantial upfront costs, when one considers collateral benefits for clients – such as rapid prototyping of alternative allocation strategies – the case for investing in a fully allocator-aware (AA) software infrastructure (SI) becomes even more compelling. Yet there remain many “concerns” based on hearsay or specious conjecture that is either overstated or incorrect.

Etwas trocken, aber es lohnt sich das mal zu lernen
Regular Types and Why Do I Care ? - Victor Ciura [ACCU 2019]

“Regular” is not exactly a new concept (pun intended). If we reflect back on STL and its design principles, as best described by Alexander Stepanov in his 1998 “Fundamentals of Generic Programming” paper or his lecture on this topic, from 2002, we see that regular types naturally appear as necessary foundational concepts in programming. Why do we need to bother with such taxonomies ? Well, the STL now informally assumes such properties about the types it deals with and imposes such conceptual requirements for its data structures and algorithms to work properly. The new Concepts Lite proposal (hopefully part of C++20) is based on precisely defined foundational concepts such as Semiregular, Regular, EqualityComparable, DefaultConstructible, LessThanComparable (strict weak ordering), etc. Formal specification of concepts is an ongoing effort in the ISO C++ Committee and these STL library concepts requirements are being refined as part of Ranges TS proposal (experimental/ranges/concepts). Recent STL additions such as string_view, tuple, reference_wrapper, as well as new incoming types for C++20 like std::span raise new questions regarding values types, reference types and non-owning “borrow” types. Designing and implementing regular types is crucial in everyday programing, not just library design. Properly constraining types and function prototypes will result in intuitive usage; conversely, breaking subtle contracts for functions and algorithms will result in unexpected behavior for the caller. This talk will explore the relation between Regular types (and other concepts) and STL containers & algorithms with examples, common pitfalls and guidance.

Ganz nett wenn man Zeit hat
How to Teach C++ and Influence a Generation - Christopher Di Bella [ACCU 2019]

Learning to correctly use C++ is not difficult: teaching proper C++ usage is where the challenge lies, and at some point in your career, you’ll need to teach someone something about C++. You may not be a university lecturer or on-site trainer, but you could find yourself helping a colleague with their problem, presenting at a lunch-time session, or even at a conference! Perhaps you are someone who contributes to the company style guide or 'Intro to Our Repo' manual.

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