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Filed under: Allgemein — Thomas @ 18:12


Eventphone: Gestern Heute Morgen

Space Ops 101 - An introduction to Spacecraft Operations

After launching a spacecraft into orbit the actual work for mission control starts. Besides taking care of the position and speed of the spacecraft this includes e.g. detailed modeling of the power usage, planning of ground station contacts, payload operations and dealing with unexpected anomalies. In this talk we will see many examples of problems particular to space crafts and how they influence the way space craft mission operations works.

Lecture: Quantum Mechanics

An (almost) self-contained introduction to the basic ideas of quantum mechanics. The theory and important experimental results will be discussed.

Lecture: How to teach programming to your loved ones

Teaching beginners how to program is often hard. We love building programs, and seeing our loved ones struggle with this is painful. Showing them how to copy-paste a few example programs and change a few parameters is easy, but bridging from there to building substantial programs is a different game entirely. This talk is about how to teach programming successfully, through comprehensible design recipes, which anyone can follow, using languages and tools designed for beginners. This approach is probably different from how you learned how to program, or how you're used to teaching. It is more effective, however, as it teaches more material successfully to a broader spectrum of people. It is also more enjoyable.

Ganz nett
Ein open-source Hardware- und Software-Design für vierbeinige Laufroboter

Um das Entwickeln von eigenen Laufrobotern zu erleichtern, brauchen wir offene Alternativen zu bestehenden Plattformen. Am Beispiel unseres Projektes "Hannah" stellen wir euch Möglichkeiten vor, wie Open Source in Robotik-Hardware praktisch eingesetzt werden kann.

Sehr interesannt
Lecture: Simulating Universes

In this talk I want to present the computational undertakings in the field of cosmological structure formation and galaxy formation. Here, sometimes gigantic simulations help us to unravel the processes that led to the Universe that we can see today. I will give a short overview of our current understanding of the evolution of the Universe, the history and techniques of the simulations and their current state and future.

Lecture: Modeling and Simulation of Physical Systems for Hobbyists

This is a foundations talk about modeling and simulation as tools for development, testing and debugging systems. It requires very little previous knowledge to address all makers and hobbyists interested in creating or modifying hardware that physically interacts with its environment (e.g. robots, drones, etc.). It explains the purpose of modeling and simulation, basic principles, and tips and tricks on a practical level.

Lecture: Kosmische Teilchenbeschleuniger und ihre Spuren in der Antarktis

In diesem Vortrag erklären wir, was Menschen zum Bau komplexer Detektoren an den exotischsten Plätzen der Welt motiviert, um hochenergetische Teilchen aus dem Weltall zu jagen. Wir sprechen über die bahnbrechende Entdeckung diesen Jahres und beleuchten, wie der Durchbruch durch twitter-ähnliche Echtzeit-Monitoring-Systeme überhaupt erst möglich wurde.

Hier noch ein weiterer guter Vortrag aus GPN17
Alice explodiert! ... und woher weiß Bob das?

Sehr interesannt

Wie können wir mithilfe von kosmischer Strahlung, Gammasignalen und Neutrinos mehr über hochenergetische Objekte im Universum herausfinden? Eine Einführung in die Multimessenger- Astroteilchenphysik.

Lecture: The Mars Rover On-board Computer

Mars Rover Curiosity is one of the most sophisticated pieces of hardware ever launched into space. Because of the communication delay from Earth to Mars, it needs to accomplish most of its tasks completely autonomously: landing, navigation, exploration and singing birthday songs to itself. To do all this, it only has one central onboard computer. Let's look at that computer and the software it runs in detail.

Sehr interesannt
Lecture: Conquering Large Numbers at the LHC

We are going to outline the ingredients necessary to perform measurements at the LHC, starting from an ordinary bottle of hydrogen. Let us take you on a journey following the path of the protons from this bottle to being ready for collisions in one of the detectors. Once the collisions are recorded we show the approaches and tools on how to extract the metaphorical needle in the haystack.

Lecture: Let's reverse engineer the Universe

There is four times more dark matter and over fifteen times more dark energy than regular matter in the universe. And we have absolutely no idea what these invisible dark substances might be. This talk will show how we know that dark energy and dark matter exist, although we cannot see them directly. This kind of reverse enigneering of the universe already revealed some interesting features of the dark parts. However, the true nature of dark matter and dark energy are literally in the dark.


Der nationale Höchstleistungsrechner SuperMUC-NG unterstützt die öffentliche Wissenschaft in Deutschland. Wie ist er aufgebaut, was kann man damit tun, und wo steht er im Vergleich mit den schnellsten Supercomputern der Welt?

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