C++Guns – RoboBlog blogging the bot


more crazy C

Filed under: Allgemein — Tags: — Thomas @ 09:02


#define CACHE 256
enum { h_unknown = 0, h_yes, h_no };
unsigned char buf[CACHE] = {0, h_yes, 0};

int happy(int n)
int sum = 0, x, nn;
if (n < CACHE) { if (buf[n]) return 2 - buf[n]; buf[n] = h_no; } for (nn = n; nn; nn /= 10) x = nn % 10, sum += x * x; x = happy(sum); if (n < CACHE) buf[n] = 2 - x; return x; } int main() { int i, cnt = 8; for (i = 1; cnt || !printf("\n"); i++) if (happy(i)) --cnt, printf("%d ", i); printf("The %dth happy number: ", cnt = 1000000); for (i = 1; cnt; i++) if (happy(i)) --cnt || printf("%d\n", i); return 0; } from http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Happy_numbers#C

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